Welcome back to Tire Mom and Take Two of the New England part of my journey!   Once again – with a new wallet and all the necessary contents – I made my way through the Adirondacks and across the bridge over Lake Champlain. The sun was just setting over the lake when I arrived in Colchester, Vermont, and the stunning sight of it was tear-worthy.

Lake Champlain Bridge-Between Crown Point, NY and Chimney Point, VT

I met Tire Mom recipient #4 — Kayla and her family – at their chosen tire store to buy them four new tires. I loved that, but what I loved just as much was the education we received from the more-than-kind tire salesman.

Me, Kayla and Family

He taught us, for example, that there are basically three kinds of tires: symmetrical, directional and radial.

This salesman/teacher also pointed out the DOT date – that little oval that contains the information about the week and year the tire was made – and it was then that I started calling it the Tire Halo. I was still thinking of myself as the Tire Angel at that point, so it worked.

Kayla’s halo showed 14/08. The fourteenth week of 2008. Her tires were 10 years old. To say that Kayla may have cheated death is not an understatement.

Pancakes, Vermont Teddy Bears and the Ben & Jerry’s factory rounded out that stop, and I was on my way to Massachusetts next. Do join me for that leg of the journey. For now, if you want to leave a comment – and I hope you do – what was the last really important thing you learned? Something that may have added a layer to your existing knowledge? We’d love to hear.

Aaahhh, Ice Cream

Stay Safe,

Diana Hubner, The Tire Mom