Welcome back to Tire Mom! Remember that John Denver song from the 70’s when he sings about West Virginia being “almost heaven?” When I finished my work (and play!) in all the Northeastern states and drove to that wild and wonderful state, I agreed with him. I remembered my time earlier in the summer with daughter Celesta at Via Ferrata (“the iron way” in Latin) where it rained for the better part of six hours. I felt like I was in the Misty Mountain on an adventure with Frodo Baggins. Wonderful. 

Now I was on a different kind of adventure. The Bishop had found a couple for me who needed tires. Love this story: their congregation had been talking for three weeks about how they could get tires for these two. And there I was, looking for somebody to buy for. Those “coincidences” were actually becoming almost normal on my journey. There is something very reassuring about feeling like you’re being guided.

As I drove away from the tire store with Nick and Ashley (Tire Mom #19) smiling in my rearview mirror, I thought: What a blessing to be at the right place at the right time trying to do the right thing.

Me, Ashley, Nick

That’s my question for you as you consider leaving a comment. When have you been in a situation where those three “rights” came together? Do tell.

Stay safe,

Diana Hubner