Welcome back to Tire Mom! If you’ve been keeping up, you know I was in Loop 4 of my tire-gifting journey when I drove to Kentucky. The state was all new to me, so my first stop was at a visitor center to find out the best 5 choices for things to see in the area. 

Me at the front of the Ark

The rest of the Ark!

The one that popped out of their recommendations was The Ark. It’s exactly what you think – a massive 3-deck depiction of the biblical story of Noah’s big boat. I. Loved. It. It featured various displays and, of course, a zoo. Seeing the possible ways Noah and the family might have stored water and food and marveling at the workmanship made that story come alive for me. The whole thing was worth the 108 miles out of the way to see it.

Beautiful Door!

How they might have kept fresh water?

With those two-by-two animals still in my head, I drove on to Louisville to meet Jeff, Tire Mom #20. He was the son of a New York friend and a hard-working guy. Going to school as well as holding down a job, he was deserving of a gift. 

Me and Jeff

Which I was more than glad to give., especially once we got a look at his tires. We’re talking old, cracks in the side walls and 10 years old. I taught him how to read the date on those decrepit things and he pick out a new set. It was a feel-good moment.

Kentucky Temple

If you want to comment – and, as always, I hope you do – do you know a responsible young person who’s trying to make his or her way? Does he or she disprove that myth that all “Millennials” are flakey and entitled? Tell us about this person – and about how you plan to help. It doesn’t need to be a set of tires. Sometimes a gift card to Starbucks is appreciated just as much.

Stay safe,

Diana Hubner