Welcome back to Tire Mom! My Connecticut cousins were all set with their current tires, so once again I headed for the tire department at a warehouse store – after visiting the public library in Norwalk and finding my great-grandfather listed in the 1895 city directory. And going on the Sheffield Lighthouse tour. And eating raw oysters from Norwalk Harbor.

Cousin Time with Ice Cream

You can’t blame me for wanting to linger. My grandfather, grandmother and father walked along those very shores. And my grandmother, that brave woman, had to get from the pier to their house via small boat. I bet that was a treat in the middle of an icy winter.

My father was born on this Island!

But soon it was time to try to find Tire Mom #14. I waited for some time, but by that point on my journey, I knew someone would appear and I would know. She did, and I did. Mary was lovely and had an equally lovely family, and to top it off, she owned a Suburban just like mine. I’m sure its name was not Wolverine, but then, I didn’t ask. 

Wolverines Cousins

If you want to post a comment, and we hope you do, will you tell us about your own heritage, and perhaps a connection you’ve had with it? I will tell you that discovering that filled my aching heart. Here’s to healing for whatever hurts you have.

Cousin John, Sandra, Me

Stay safe,

Hartford, Connecticut Temple

Diana Hubner