Welcome back to Tire Mom! I swung over to Wyoming during my stay in Idaho and (after getting myself some square ice cream; Google it – it’s a thing) I arrived in Star Valley. Friends there connected me to their nephew Dalton, Tire Mom #37. I could absolutely press the THAT WAS EASY button after that one, so the Lawtons took me on a tour of the area which is the site for 14 different towns. Settled in the late 1870’s by Mormon pioneers, it was proclaimed to be the Star of All Valleys for its natural beauty. It was not misnamed. 

Larry, Me, Dalton”s Family and Ida Beth

I have to say, those were some ingenious people. In nearby Jackson Hole, they made arches – and we are talking big, thick ones – out of elk antlers. I had sweet memories of taking pictures of our kids under, around and between those arches – just like every other family that has visited. You can’t really help yourself. I was still turning those remembrances over in my mind when the sky burst into the most glorious sunset. A fitting end to that equally glorious day. 

Afton, WY-World’s Largest Elkhorn Arch

Star Valley Wyoming Temple with Ida Beth and Larry

If you want to post – and please do – tell us about the most ingenious or unusual thing you’ve ever come across – be it something as famous as a bridge railing covered in padlocks or as tucked-away as a mailbox post made from a giant drill bit. I hope you were as inspired as I have been by the ingenuity of mankind.

Jackson Hole, Wyoming

Teton Pass back over to Idaho

Stay safe,

Diana Hubner