Wonderful Times in WA

Wonderful Times in WA

This helicopter ride over.. these mountains!!!!!!! Welcome back to Tire Mom! When I was in Washington, I visited Spokane, Mose Lake and Lake Chelan, all inhabited by dear friends and family. But the biggest kick was flying by . . . wait for it . . . helicopter to...
Helpful in MT

Helpful in MT

Welcome back to Tire Mom! If I ever thought the world was a self-serving place, I certainly don’t think that after taking my tire journey. Most people are far more helpful than we realize. They grow the bugs big in MT Me and Eric Take the shuttle driver in Billings,...
Twins in ND

Twins in ND

Welcome back to Tire Mom! My drive to North Dakota put 650 more miles on Wolverine and took me 9 hours and 40 minutes – my longest single trek. To add to the fun, a huge rain storm moved across the plains and dumped buckets on me. Although the speed limit was 80 MPH,...
Best Buds in IA

Best Buds in IA

Welcome back to Tire Mom! By September 1, 2018, I reached my goal of five states and five sets of tires in one week. YES!!!!! Me and Bob Bob, Tire Mom #30, was a treat for two reasons. One, he was the son of Beth, my best friend from childhood. I’m sure you’ve noticed...
The Brotherhood in MN

The Brotherhood in MN

Welcome back to Tire Mom! You know, this country of ours offers almost infinite variety. I drove for four hours, zigzagging my way across the lush, rolling fields of Minnesota – and then suddenly I was in the bustling metropolis of Minneapolis/St. Paul. If you don’t...